Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Important announcements about the PHY 124 (lab) web site and documents there

1. Quite by accident I have recently noticed that a number of you are going to the wrong web site for PHY 124, the lab part of the course. Since PHY 121/3 and PHY 122/4 are offered in three different sequences, and since the information/documents on their web sites are not identical, I can see how this might happen. I only became aware of this by noticing that the "wrong" web pages were on some of the computer screens in our lab room, A-120.

You are taking the "off" sequence of this two-semester course, viz., the one that starts as PHY 121/3 in the spring semester (Spring 2010 for most of you) and finishes as PHY 122/4 in the fall semester (the present Fall 2010 semester).

The "on" sequence begins in the fall and ends in the spring. The "summer" sequence begins in the first summer session and ends in the second summer session. You do NOT want to be going to the web sites for those sequences.

You DO want always to be going to the current, "off" sequence web site. The home page for that is (notice near the end it says phy124off ) .

2. In the lower left hand corner of the first page of each of our sets of PHY 124 web pages, e.g., in the lower left hand corner of the above web page, you will see a "Note:" that warns you about equations (sometimes) not displaying correctly when you use the web browser Internet Explorer 8.

Just yesterday I learned that when some of you print out some of the PHY 124 web pages, in particular those for the Uncertainty, Error and Graphs manual, (some) equations, indeed, are not printing out correctly, even though they may appear correctly on your computer screen. This is likely a consequence of the above Note:. Since this manual is so important for your work in the course, I have made screenshots of all the pages from my computer screen and then inserted those into files: one is a Word 2007 "docx" file. The second is a Word 2003 "doc" file. The third is a pdf file. I have posted all three of these in the Course Documents section of PHY 122 (please read carefully: it's PHY 122, not PHY 124). On my laser printer I find the Word 2007 docx file prints out most clearly. The other two are readable, but they are a little bit "fuzzier".

I strongly recommend that you print out the manual using one of these files. Then you will be sure of having the equations printed out correctly.

By the way, following the above Note:, I use the Google Chrome internet browser to view and print out the web pages for PHY 124. It renders the equations correctly. I have seen from time to time that Internet Explorer version 8, which I also use for web browsing, does not always display all equations correctly.

Prof. Koch


Anonymous said...

great announcement....but we still need help on #1c and # 3 in the lab quiz!!! why make us rearrange something like that we essentially learn nothing by doing this except the fact that you make us do these annoying error finding stuff for no reason!

Prof. Koch said...

Anonymous at 12:35 pm: I thought by now the many posts about the Lab 8 pretest have answered the major questions. What is your current problem with 1c and with 3?
As for "annoying error finding stuff for no reason!", that is your opinion. Dealing with experimental uncertainty and errors is at the heart of physics, which is an empirical science.

Anonymous said...

I have a problem, I was confused about the day which the WebAssign HW was due because its always changing and I thought it might have been due Thursday, now that I checked I gota Zero, it is possible for you to extend the HW for one more day considering that the due dates are always changing and confusing when annoucned. thankyou.