Sunday, October 31, 2010

Today's review session; answer key to practice midterm problems

Echo 360 recorded it, but it turned off at 3 pm in the beginning/middle of going over problem 15. The technology used to capture the static images of the handwritten notes I put on the ppt slides via the pen-pad at the podium did not work fully. The quality of the handwritten images is not very good, and the system did not write it in a "lasting" way to the ppt slides. I don't know why. You can see the handwritten notes/solutions on the ppt slides in Echo 360, but only through problem 14. The answer key to all the problems on the practice midterm 2 is below:

1. A
2. D
3. Only true answer is C.
4. E
5. A
6. B, D
7. D
8. D
9. C
10. C
11. B, D
12. B,E
13. C
14. C
15. C
16. A
17. D
18. B
19. C
20. C

Good luck on Monday. Prof. Koch


Anonymous said...

Prof Koch,
For future reference, please post up the practice midterm with answers and explanations at least more than 1 day prior to the actual midterm. I did not have enough time to review the questions that you did not cover in the echo and I am now stuck and the test is only a few hours away. With a class of this size, it is better to post everything up as early as possible, even though we may not "learn more that way." You must take into consideration that students may not always have that last day prior to the test to finish the practice exam, go to the review session, and review answers that you did not give explanations to. I realize that this is you are still a "newbie," as you put it, in teaching a class of this size, but our grades and our understanding of Physics take a beating because of this. Thank you for your consideration.

Anonymous said...

I greatly appreciate that Prof. Koch and Prof. Stephens came in on their days off to give the class a review session, however I also agree with what anonymous said.

Anonymous said...

When will you be posting the answer key to the exam? I keep looking here and on Bb and I can't find it. Have you posted it already and am I missing it somehow? Thanks.

Prof. Koch said...

Anonymous(es? i? whatever the plural is): I posted the answer key as soon as I got home from the review session on Sunday afternoon. On purpose I didn't put an answer key up before the review session because I wanted the students in our course to work on the practice midterm without the answers. I believe that when the answers are available at the time of "doing" the problems, the temptation to look at them "too quickly" is high. (I was a student once. I remember doing just that.) So I wanted you to work hard on the practice midterm and then find out what the answers are. I apologize for my discussion of the last 5 questions not appearing in the Echo 360 recording. I did not know the recording apparatus would be turned off at 2 pm sharp. Since then I have been investigating how to correct this in the future. It's almost impossible to predict how long the review session will actually take because students ask questions during it, as they should. It ended around 2:30, and then a number of students came up to me afterward and asked more questions. I didn't leave ESS 001 until around 3:30. Thank you for your comments. I appreciate them from all the students and try to take them into account operationally.

As you probably already know from posts on the blog and in Blackboard, and via email, the answer keys for the "real" midterm 2 are already posted.

Prof. Koch