Wednesday, November 24, 2010

PHY 124 Lab 9 pretest is now available

The PHY 124 Fall 2010 Lab 9 pretest is now posted for you to work on and submit before the beginning of your Lab 9 section next week. You will find it in the Assignments content area in Blackboard for your PHY 124 Lab section. As explained in the course syllabus, each Lab pretest is worth 35 points. As you will see, the Lab 9 pretest consists of 3 questions. The first is worth 5 points, the second is worth 12 points, and the third is worth 18 points, making the total possible score 35 points. To do the pretest you will need to study carefully the Lab 9 manual and to re-familiarize yourself with MapleTA syntax. Go to

and read the instructions there on the "main page". Please also click on and review the

-- "Instructions" link (you've seen this before)

-- "Uncertainty, Error and Graphs" link (and make sure you read the 17 Nov. 2010 message on this blog about printing out this document)
and, finally, the

-- "PHY 124 Lab 9 - "Atomic Spectra" link.

The "red" links are not yet active, on purpose, but as the course develops they will be made active.

As you already know, the lab pretests are prepared in the "Maple TA" software environment. You may work on each assignment as many times as you wish, but the link in the Assignments section of Blackboard for your PHY 124 section will become inactive at the starting time of your lab section. Therefore, you should not wait until just before your lab section to begin work on it. If you read the Lab Manual carefully and, there is no reason for you not to earn all 35 points for the pretest. Make sure you read carefully the instructions for each pretest problem. After each problem click on "Next" until finishing the last one, Question 4; then make sure you click on "Grade" in the Maple TA software environment. After you get your grade, you may click on "View Details" to see more about how you did. Finally, click on "Quit and Save".

Good luck!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Prof. Koch

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Chap. 28 HW assignment is now posted

The WebAssign homework problems for SV8 Chap. 28 are now posted and available. The lectures on Chap. 28 in SV8 will be on Tues., 28 Nov. and Thurs., 2 Dec. The Chap. 28 problems will be available on WebAssign until 5 pm, Mon., 6 December. Good luck! Have a nice Thanksgiving break.

Prof. Koch

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Chapter 27, problems 7 through 12

These problems pertain to material in the November 23 lecture.

Note that the assignment is due on Monday, November 29th.

Chapter 27, Problems 1-6

These problems pertain to material in the November 16 lecture.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Important announcements about the PHY 124 (lab) web site and documents there

1. Quite by accident I have recently noticed that a number of you are going to the wrong web site for PHY 124, the lab part of the course. Since PHY 121/3 and PHY 122/4 are offered in three different sequences, and since the information/documents on their web sites are not identical, I can see how this might happen. I only became aware of this by noticing that the "wrong" web pages were on some of the computer screens in our lab room, A-120.

You are taking the "off" sequence of this two-semester course, viz., the one that starts as PHY 121/3 in the spring semester (Spring 2010 for most of you) and finishes as PHY 122/4 in the fall semester (the present Fall 2010 semester).

The "on" sequence begins in the fall and ends in the spring. The "summer" sequence begins in the first summer session and ends in the second summer session. You do NOT want to be going to the web sites for those sequences.

You DO want always to be going to the current, "off" sequence web site. The home page for that is (notice near the end it says phy124off ) .

2. In the lower left hand corner of the first page of each of our sets of PHY 124 web pages, e.g., in the lower left hand corner of the above web page, you will see a "Note:" that warns you about equations (sometimes) not displaying correctly when you use the web browser Internet Explorer 8.

Just yesterday I learned that when some of you print out some of the PHY 124 web pages, in particular those for the Uncertainty, Error and Graphs manual, (some) equations, indeed, are not printing out correctly, even though they may appear correctly on your computer screen. This is likely a consequence of the above Note:. Since this manual is so important for your work in the course, I have made screenshots of all the pages from my computer screen and then inserted those into files: one is a Word 2007 "docx" file. The second is a Word 2003 "doc" file. The third is a pdf file. I have posted all three of these in the Course Documents section of PHY 122 (please read carefully: it's PHY 122, not PHY 124). On my laser printer I find the Word 2007 docx file prints out most clearly. The other two are readable, but they are a little bit "fuzzier".

I strongly recommend that you print out the manual using one of these files. Then you will be sure of having the equations printed out correctly.

By the way, following the above Note:, I use the Google Chrome internet browser to view and print out the web pages for PHY 124. It renders the equations correctly. I have seen from time to time that Internet Explorer version 8, which I also use for web browsing, does not always display all equations correctly.

Prof. Koch

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Helpful comment for 1c on Lab 8 pretest

The statement of the problem for 1c in the Lab 8 pretest mentions that the formula for the radius r has m, e, and B in it. It doesn't say explicitly that it also has the (magnitude of the) velocity v in it, too. If you look at SV8, Chap. 19.6, you'll see that it must have v, too.

Friday, November 12, 2010

PHY 124 Lab 8 pretest is now available

The PHY 124 Fall 2010 Lab 8 pretest is now posted for you to work on and submit before the beginning of your Lab 8 section next week. You will find it in the Assignments content area in Blackboard for your PHY 124 Lab section. As explained in the course syllabus, each Lab pretest is worth 35 points. As you will see, the Lab 8 pretest consists of 4 questions. The second is worth 8 points, and the other three are worth 9 points each, making the total possible score 35 points. To do the pretest you will need to study carefully the Lab 8 manual and to re-familiarize yourself with MapleTA syntax. Go to

and read the instructions there on the "main page". Please also click on and review the

-- "Instructions" link (you've seen this before)

-- "Uncertainty, Error and Graphs" link
and, finally, the

-- "PHY 124 Lab 8 - "Measurement of e/m for the electron" link.

The "red" links are not yet active, on purpose, but as the course develops they will be made active.

As you already know, the lab pretests are prepared in the "Maple TA" software environment. You may work on each assignment as many times as you wish, but the link in the Assignments section of Blackboard for your PHY 124 section will become inactive at the starting time of your lab section. Therefore, you should not wait until just before your lab section to begin work on it. If you read the Lab Manual carefully and, there is no reason for you not to earn all 35 points for the pretest. Make sure you read carefully the instructions for each pretest problem. After each problem click on "Next" until finishing the last one, Question 4; then make sure you click on "Grade" in the Maple TA software environment. After you get your grade, you may click on "View Details" to see more about how you did. Finally, click on "Quit and Save".

Good luck!

Prof. Koch

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Chapter 26, problems 7-12

Material for Nov. 16 lecture.

Note the comments I made on a couple of the problems in the WebAssign instructions.

Chapter 26, problems 1-6

Material to be covered in the Nov. 11 lecture.

Note the comments on a couple of the problems that I made in the WebAssign instructions.

Friday, November 5, 2010

PHY 124 Lab 7 pretest is now available

The PHY 124 Fall 2010 Lab 7 pretest is now posted for you to work on and submit before the beginning of your Lab 7 section next week. You will find it in the Assignments content area in Blackboard for your PHY 124 Lab section. As explained in the course syllabus, each Lab pretest is worth 35 points. As you will see, the Lab 7 pretest consists of 4 questions. The first is worth 8 points, and the last three are worth 9 points each, making the total possible score 35 points. To do the pretest you will need to study carefully the Lab 7 manual and to re-familiarize yourself with MapleTA syntax. Go to

and read the instructions there on the "main page". Please also click on and review the

-- "Instructions" link (you've seen this before)

-- "Uncertainty, Error and Graphs" link
and, finally, the

-- "PHY 124 Lab 7 - Interference and Diffraction" link.
The "red" links are not yet active, on purpose, but as the course develops they will be made active.

As you already know, the lab pretests are prepared in the "Maple TA" software environment. You may work on each assignment as many times as you wish, but the link in the Assignments section of Blackboard for your PHY 124 section will become inactive at the starting time of your lab section. Therefore, you should not wait until just before your lab section to begin work on it. If you read the Lab Manual carefully and, there is no reason for you not to earn all 35 points for the pretest. Make sure you read carefully the instructions for each pretest problem. After each problem click on "Next" until finishing the last one, Question 4; then make sure you click on "Grade" in the Maple TA software environment. After you get your grade, you may click on "View Details" to see more about how you did. Finally, click on "Quit and Save".

Good luck!

Prof. Koch

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Chapter 25, Problems 6-12

These problems relate to material to be covered in class on Tuesday, Nov. 9th.

I have written comments on several of the problems in the instructions that you will see when you look at the assignment. Please read them before you work on the assignment.

Chapter 25, Problems 1-5

I have written comments on several of the problems in the instructions that you will see when you look at the assignment. Please read them before you work on the assignment.

These first five problems relate to material covered in class on Thursday, Nov. 4th.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Answer keys for Midterm 2 are posted in Course Documents in Blackboard

The answer keys for Form 0, Form 1, Form 2, and Form 3 are posted separately in Blackboard Course Documents. Please make sure you click on the correct link. I don't know if I will receive the graded midterm 2 exam scores from the Faculty Center opscan office before the end of the week.

Prof. Koch

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Chapter 24, Problems 7-12

This original blog post has gotten pretty well buried, so I'm restarting it. In fact, as of Tuesday morning, there have not been any questions or discussion relevant to Chapt. 24 posted!

I am extending the due date for this assignment to Thursday (Nov. 4), 3:00 PM.

These problems are from the second half of SV8 Chapter 24, and cover the material of the November 2 lecture.

Chapter 24, Problems 1-6

This original blog post has gotten pretty well buried, so I'm restarting it. In fact, as of Tuesday morning, there have not been any questions or discussion relevant to Chapt. 24 posted!

I am extending the due date for this assignment to Thursday (Nov. 4), 3:00 PM.

These problems are from the first half of SV8 Chapter 24, and (mostly) cover the material of the October 28 lecture.

In the third question (SV8 P24.7), you only need to answer part a. (I can't easily remove part b from the assignment, but I don't want you to struggle with it. That's why this question is assigned two points and the total assignment looks like it has 13 points. But your score will be recorded out of a maximum of 12, and there is no extra credit for that part b.) In that problem, note that the ANGLES ARE NOT SMALL. I discussed this problem near the end of lecture on Oct. 28th.