Thursday, November 4, 2010

Chapter 25, Problems 1-5

I have written comments on several of the problems in the instructions that you will see when you look at the assignment. Please read them before you work on the assignment.

These first five problems relate to material covered in class on Thursday, Nov. 4th.


Anonymous said...

Hi Professor,

I feel like im missing something on the first question, am i right in assuming q is the negative focal length because p is infinite? also i took the angle given of the contellation and tried to set up a pythagorean theorem with my given q multiplied by tan(theta) but this was wrong and im stumped. can i sue the slide information to solve this? please help

Professor Stephens said...

q is the positive focal length - the image on the film is real -- light is really striking the film, in focus. The idea here is to think of the angular size of the image on the film. Draw a sketch and you'll see that the angular size of the image on the film is the same as the angular size of the constellation. (Remember that one of the principal rays you can trace through a lens goes straight through the center undeflected, like ray #2 in SV8 Fig. 23.25.) Take the 20 degree angle of the constellation to be the angle at the apex of an isosceles triangle; what's the altitude?