Friday, September 17, 2010

Lab 2 pretest is now available

Please see the Announcements web page in Blackboard for your PHY 124 lab section. To avoid clutter, I took down the previous announcement about the Lab 1 pretest. The Lab 2 pretest announcement will remain up for each lab section until that section meets to do Lab 2. I'll do the same for future labs. As I did for Lab 1, I sent the announcement via email to each student in each section. If you did not get it, something is not right with your email. This could be that the University does not have the email address that you are (now) using. It's up to you to correct this. Instructors using Blackboard to send email to students do not see the email address being used for each student.


Prof. Koch said...

I made an error in posting the Lab 2 pretest assignment in Blackboard for Lab section 3. Two students emailed me about the problem, which I just fixed. It was active yesterday (Friday) until 6 pm, but then it went inactive. It is now active again until 6 pm on Monday, when the L03 will begin Lab 2. My apologies to the L03 students and thanks to the two students who alerted me to the problem.

Anonymous said...

How many times are we allowed to take the pretest? just once or unlimited tries?

Prof. Koch said...

The penultimate paragraph of the Auuncements (same as last time) covers this:

As you already know, the lab pretests are prepared in the "Maple TA" software environment. You may work on each assignment as many times as you wish, but the link in the Assignments section of Blackboard for your PHY 124 section will become inactive at the starting time of your lab section. Therefore, you should not wait until just before your lab section to begin work on it. If you read the Lab Manual carefully and, there is no reason for you not to earn all 35 points for the pretest. Make sure you read carefully the instructions for each pretest problem. After each problem click on "Next" until finishing the last one, Problem 5; then make sure you click on "Grade" in the Maple TA software environment. After you get your grade, you may click on "View Details" to see more about how you did. Finally, click on "Quit and Save".